Fabulous Threads - Inspiring Creativity Through Textiles in the Community

Workshops and Classes.
My workshops look at using fabric, yarn or other natural and sustainable fibres to weave, spin and sewing. Taking inspiration from natures fibres and colours.
Fibre art has increased and decreased in popular interest. Before the unset of synthetic dyes, natural dyes were used in the textile industry. There are many plants for dying and all can be grown at home in the corner of your garden. The most popular being madder, woad, weld and coreopsis.
If interested in learning more about what plants to dye with, forage along the hedgerows, then book a workshop.
My classes looks at connecting with the amazing possibilities of working with textiles.
From learning to sew, explore, create.
Working with different fibres and the endless opportunities to create.
Textiles in its broadest context, from surface, pattern, texture, material and colour, to design, print, knit and weave, manufacture and produce.
The textile sessions I offer, gives you the opportunity to push the boundaries of what textiles is and what can be created. Blending traditional and contemporary techniques, growing your knowledge, skills, confidence, motivation and ambition, that takes you from the first principles of textiles through to the inventiveness and innovation that will lead your artistic vision or professional practice
The structure of the classes provide unlimited opportunity to practice, refine and evolve your imagination and creativity, while being guided through the endless possibilities in experimenting and exploring the meaning of textiles and fibre art.
A full list of classes can be found on the Events page.